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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

How to Apply for Financial Aid at GCC

Apply for Aid

1. Get Your FSA ID.

Your FSA ID will act as your signature on your FAFSA. You can apply for a FSA ID at least 3 days before you file your FAFSA or upon completion of the FAFSA.

2. File Your FAFSA.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid can be completed online. You’ll need your tax returns and W-2’s. Dependent students will also need their parents’ financial information. Were you contacted about a FAFSA Verification? Learn more about this verification process.

3. Apply for TAP.

Your NYS TAP Application can be completed immediately following the FAFSA. Students are encouraged to select that link to apply for TAP, or through the Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) website.

Financial Aid FAQs

When will I receive my financial aid?

The Department of Education will pay your Federal aid through GCC. 联邦财政援助在学生开始参加课程的普查点之后发放. 晚开课的学生将根据该学期的人口普查点发放助学金.

Aid is first applied to tuition, fees and other in school charges. If money remains, the Business Office will refund you any excess aid.

Need more information regarding Federal financial aid? Visit the Federal Student Aid website or call the Federal hotline at 1-800-433-3243.

What should I do if my family has special financial circumstances?

Please contact the Financial Aid Office to request an Appeal Form. Once completed, 财政援助办公室将仔细审查您的请求,并确定是否可以对您的奖励进行调整.

May I use my financial aid to purchase books at the Bookstore or meals at the cafeteria?

Yes, you may use your Financial Aid to purchase books or a meal plan. You will need to authorize your aid for use in the Bookstore and cafeteria. To do this, log on to your myGCC account, select “Student Info” tab, click on the “Financial Aid Information Menu,” then click on “My Award Information,” click on “Authorize Funds for Bookstore Use.” Read through the provided information, select the term and click “submit,” then check both boxes and click “submit.”

Should I apply for outside scholarships and grants?

All students are encouraged to pursue local and national awards for which they may qualify. The Genesee Community Foundation has over 50 available scholarships. Students may also research potential scholarships for free on the internet at

Are there income cutoffs for financial assistance?

No. Many factors such as cost of attendance, family size, 在确定资格时,会考虑在大学注册的家庭成员数量和资产.

Do I have to apply for aid every year?

Yes! 有必要通过填写FAFSA每年重新申请援助,因为您的资格可能会改变. We encourage students to complete the FAFSA soon after October 1st. You can file the FAFSA online.

What happens to my aid if I have to withdraw from school?

联邦法规要求根据学生上课的天数将资金退还给联邦政府. 在许多情况下,学生可能会欠学院和/或联邦政府的余额.

How will I know when a refund is available?

If you have a refund of excess aid, you will receive an email to your GCC email account. Please remember that your financial aid will first go to pay any tuition, fees and institutional charges on your account. You must be in attendance of your classes to earn your aid. GCC disburses financial aid after census point. 晚开学学生的助学金将按照相应学期部分的人口普查点发放.

联邦财政援助(包括贷款)和纽约州财政援助计划将在学院确认您已经开始参加与援助/贷款相关的课程时发放. For example, if you are in “late start” classes (Last 12-week classes or Last 7-week classes), your aid will not disburse until such time as your courses have begun. The very earliest that a student can be issued a refund check is Week 6.

Review our Dates & Deadlines page for specific refund dates.

All student refunds will be mailed to the address on file, 除非您选择通过直接存款或可充值借记卡接收(学生必须提供可充值借记卡)。. Please follow the steps below to make a selection.

Log into myGCC > Select My Account > Select My Banner Self-Service > Select Manage My Student Account > Select Manage My Refunds > Choose your refund method and enter required information

Remember, in order to keep all your federal financial aid that is being refunded to you, you must attend beyond the 60% point of the semester. 未完成至少60%课程的学生将在学期结束时将部分援助返还给相应的援助计划.

If you have specific questions about the disbursement of financial aid, please contact the Financial Aid Office directly.

How much can I borrow?

The annual loan limits* are as follows:

Annual Loan Limits
Year Dependent Independent
Freshman (0-23 credits) $5,500 $9,500
Sophomore (24+ credits) $6,500 $10,500

*The amount you receive in a loan will vary based on your financial eligibility. Amounts are subject to change.

Virtual Financial Aid

Need virtual financial aid assistance? 安排一个电话或Zoom预约与我们的团队lol菠菜竞猜一般的财务援助问题或他们的专业领域. You can also view our Financial Aid tutorials on YouTube.

Joseph Bailey, Assistant Dean for Enrollment Services/Director of Financial Aid, can help you with Appeals (dependency status and satisfactory academic progress), Excelsior Scholarship, Federal Pell, Federal SEOG, Federal Work Study and verification.

Lisa Papke, Financial Aid Counselor/Loan Certifying Officer, can help you with Student loans, Parent (PLUS) loans, Veterans benefits.

Katie Brown, Financial Aid Counselor/TAP Certifying Officer, can help you with TAP certification and verification.

Alexandria Misiti, Financial Aid Counselor, can help you with General Financial Aid questions, Appeals (Dependency status and Satisfactory Academic Progress), scholarships, College Village (housing) financial aid, and verification.

Part Time Aid

一个普遍的误解是,学生必须是全日制学生才能获得经济援助. 学生可能有资格根据以下学分要求获得经济援助.

Minimum credits required for financial aid:

  • Federal Pell grant: 1-12 (or more) credits
  • Federal SEOG: 1-12 (or more) credits
  • New York State TAP: 12 or more credits
  • New York State Aid for Part Time Study: 1 -11 credits
  • Federal Direct Loans (Student and Parent): 6 or more credits

Student Outcome Tracking

学生不能为不计入其学位或证书课程要求的课程提供经济援助. If a student is enrolled in courses that do not count toward his or her degree, those courses cannot be used to determine enrollment status and aid eligibility. All registered courses must apply to the student’s program as a general education requirement, a major requirement or elective (whether restricted or free elective) or remedial.

Student Outcome Tracking FAQs


联邦政府和州政府规定,所有接受经济援助的学生必须学习与其专业相关的课程. 学校将有责任确保学生学习正确的课程,如果他们不遵守这一规定,学校可能会失去向学生提供经济援助的能力.



How will I know if I’m not taking the right courses to satisfy the financial aid requirements? How will I be notified?


What happens if I repeat a course?

重修之前在GCC或其他机构学习过的课程并获得及格分数的学生可能会影响联邦和州的援助计划(以保持全日制经济援助状态), a student’s coursework must be at least 12 credits without the repeated class). 如果学生没有达到该课程毕业的最低成绩要求,则可以例外地获得国家援助.

  • 联邦援助,包括学生贷款,将支付学生只重复一次已通过的课程.
  • State aid (TAP) will only pay for a repeated course once, 但只有在学生的特定学位课程要求有更高的毕业成绩时.

If a student’s program does not require them to earn a higher grade for graduation, but the student is being advised to repeat coursework for academic reasons, it may be advisable for the student to be enrolled in at least 12 credits of new coursework — in addition any repeated courses — in order to maintain full time status.

I recently did a Program change and certain courses were excluded from my GPA. Will these courses still affect my financial aid eligibility?

They may. Only courses that are required in your Program are eligible for financial aid. 如果您在任何被排除的课程中获得D或更高的成绩,这些课程将被视为已完成的要求,并且如果您的新项目中有空间,将再次使用(在确定经济援助时).

What are prerequisite courses?

These are courses that prepare you to complete a required course successfully. They may or may not be required as part of your program.

I am presently taking non-credit/ remedial courses that are not part of my Major. Will I receive financial aid for these courses?

Yes, 联邦和州政府认为这些预备课程是成功完成大学水平课程的基础. However, you must be registered for at least 6 credit- bearing/non-remedial courses.

Will this only affect full time students?

No. Part time students must adhere to the same guidelines.

What do I do if I find out my courses are not going to be paid for by financial aid?

你需要重新调整你的课程,并选择那些可以算作经济援助的课程. 否则,您将负责支付所有不符合项目要求的课程的费用.


No. You may not drop classes for financial aid eligibility reasons once school has begun; you will be charged the regular fee if you drop classes according to the college catalog guidelines.

I do not receive any federal or state aid. Does this apply to me?

These regulations only affect students receiving federal (including loans) and state aid. If you pay for courses on your own, you are free to take whatever courses you choose. However, 选修专业以外的课程会延长你在杰内西的学习时间,还会花费你额外的资金. 我们鼓励您定期进行学位审核,以确保您正在完成学位的路上.